A Place to Rest Your Head

Engineering - Residential

From single family house design to forensic analyzation of foundation cracks, Penn Fusion Engineering provides structural expertise in the residential market.


Forensic Engineering

A bit of science, a bit of art, forensic engineering calls on experience and patience in determining root causes of structural defects. Why there aren't any tv shows on the subject is beyond us.


Alternative Building Materials

As energy costs continue to rise, an increase in alternative building products is meeting the challenge of conservation. SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) are an acceptable solution but require special design and analysis. Penn Fusion has designed homes using various types of SIP panels and is ready to take on the next advanced product.


Same Language

When a homeowner hires Penn Fusion to investigate a deficiency with their house, we take our time to explain our observations. We want our clients to be able to make sense of the reports we provide.